2021 is arriving with more of a whimper than a bang, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your marketing strategy on point for whatever it brings.
This is an uncertain time for all businesses, but remaining agile in a changing landscape is vital.
Stay calm, follow these 5 quick pointers, and get your marketing ducks in a row for 2021. 🦆
Stay in touch.
Now more than ever, we are craving human contact. We weren’t designed to sit at home knocking back gin and chocolate biscuits in a vacuum. Regardless of how much fun that might be.
In between the gin and biccies, stay connected to your contacts. That means not just your clients, but suppliers, customers and prospects. Get your contact lists in order. Send out comms to those groups keeping them up to date on how you are reacting to new restrictions and how they can stay engaged with you. Be mindful that there are likely to be differing opinions on what restrictions are in place. Set the tone of your communications to compassionate, and you won’t go too far wrong.
Fail to plan in 2021 or you’ll plan to fail.
Revisit your marketing plan for the next quarter. Make sure it takes account of what are likely to be restrictions for most of January and how that affects your marketing goals and realign them accordingly.
Look at the second quarter as well and have procedures in place that can be quickly implemented if the situation continues.
Be agile
Whether you provide products or services, make sure you kick start your lockdown procedures to minimise any disruption for clients. We have been here before so you should have a programme in place and a plan to ramp it smoothly. Review what worked well last time around and tweak what didn’t deliver.
Understand your options
There is help out there, the best place to start is on the Scottish Government website.
Stay positive
Regardless of your personal opinion, this is where we are. We have weathered this before and will do so again. Keep talking, enjoy a restful Christmas and stay positive.
See you on the flipside.