
7 Steps to better marketing

There are a few short steps to help you kick start your marketing strategy. Sit down and devise a plan around these 7 basic points and you will be well on your way to meeting your marketing objectives.

Define Your Goals

Know what you want to achieve. They can be sales, engagement or brand awareness. Whatever they are, make them realistic and achievable and hold yourself accountable to them.

Identify Your Audience

Undertake market research to clearly define who your customers are and where to find them.

Select Your Platforms Wisely

If you have a clear B2B service or product, Instagram may not serve you as well as LinkedIn or an industry specific professional body or forum. Not to say ignore certain channels, but target those that will give you the best return for your efforts first.


You MUST do this.  Rattling out four social media posts in an afternoon then never looking at them again for a month, will do nothing for your company image. Have a strategy based on knowledge of your customers and insights on the platforms you use.

Tell Stories

Useful information linked in around what you do why is much more engaging that listing pricing for products and services. Be creative with your content.

Be the Brand

Live it! Never miss and opportunity to promote it and engage with other businesses who complement what you do. Create a community around your brand and they’ll do a lot of the legwork for you by sharing and engaging with your content and widening your reach.


Use analytics to monitor what works and what doesn’t and reassess your strategy accordingly.  It that accountability thing again….

By Sarah Rankin

I'm a content creator and marketing consultant who loves helping small and micro businesses. My goal is to give you all the support and guidance you need to build a brand and smash your marketing goals.